SPC Mesoscale Analysis
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03/31/25 23 UTC
Surface Observations
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Visible Satellite
Radar Base Reflectivity
Vad/Profiler Data
Basic Sfc
MSL Pressure/Wind
Moisture Convergence
Theta-E Advection
Mixing Ratio / Theta
2-hour Pressure Change
3-hour Temp Change
3-hour Dwpt Change
3-hour 100mb Mixing Ratio Change
3-hour Theta-E Change
Basic UA
925mb Analysis
850mb Analysis
700mb Analysis
500mb Analysis
300mb Analysis
Deep Moist Convergence
Sfc Frontogenesis
850mb Temp Advection
850mb Frontogenesis
700mb Frontogenesis
850-700mb Frontogenesis
700-500mb Frontogenesis
700-400mb Diff. Vorticity Advection
400-250mb Pot. Vorticity Advection
850-250mb Diff. Divergence
300mb Jet Circulation
12-hour 500mb Height Change
Instantaneous Contraction Rate (sfc)
Fluid Trapping (sfc)
Velocity Tensor Magnitude (sfc)
Divergence and Vorticity (sfc)
Deformation and Axes of Dilitation (sfc)
Fluid Trapping (500mb)
Fluid Trapping (250mb)
CAPE - Surface-Based
CAPE - 100mb Mixed-Layer
CAPE - Most-Unstable / LPL Height
CAPE - Normalized
CAPE - Downdraft
Surface-based Lifted Index
Mid-Level Lapse Rates
Low-Level Lapse Rates
LCL Height
LFC Height
3-hour Surface-Based CAPE Change
3-hour 100mb Mixed-Layer CAPE Change
3-hour Most-Unstable CAPE Change
3-hour Low-Level LR Change
6-hour Mid-Level LR Change
Wind Shear
Bulk Shear - Effective
Bulk Shear - Sfc-6km
Bulk Shear - Sfc-8km
Bulk Shear - Sfc-1km
BRN Shear
SR Helicity - Effective
SR Helicity - Sfc-3km
SR Helicity - Sfc-1km
SR Wind - Sfc-2km
SR Wind - 4-6km
SR Wind - 9-11km
SR Wind - Anvil Level
850-300mb Mean Wind
850 and 500mb Winds
3hr Sfc-3km SR Helicity Change
3hr Sfc-1km Bulk Shear Change
3hr Sfc-6km Bulk Shear Change
Composite Indices
Supercell Composite
Supercell Composite (left-moving)
Sgfnt Tornado (fixed layer)
Sgfnt Tornado (effective layer)
Cond. Prob. Sigtor (Eqn 1)
Cond. Prob. Sigtor (Eqn 2)
Non-Supercell Tornado
Sgfnt Hail
Derecho Composite
Craven/Brooks Sgfnt Severe
Bulk Richardson Number
MCS Maintenance
EHI - Sfc-1km
EHI - Sfc-3km
VGP - Sfc-3km
Multi-Parameter Fields
Most-Unstable CAPE / Effective Bulk Shear
Most-Unstable LI / 850 & 500mb Winds
LCL Height / Sfc-1km SR Helicity
Sfc-3km Lapse Rate / Sfc-3km MLCAPE
Sfc Vorticity / Sfc-3km MLCAPE
Sfc Dwpt / 700-500mb Lapse Rates
Hail Parameters
Heavy Rain
Precipitable Water
850mb Moisture Transport
Upwind Propagation Vector
Precipitation Potential Placement
Winter Weather
Near-Freezing Surface Temp
Surface Wet-Bulb Temp
Freezing Level
Critical Thicknesses
800-750mb EPVg
650-500mb EPVg
Lake Effect Snow 1
Lake Effect Snow 2
Fire Weather
Sfc RH / Temp / Wind
Fosberg Index
Low Altitude Haines Index
Mid Altitude Haines Index
High Altitude Haines Index
Lower Atmospheric Severity Index
- SfcOA Diag -
- RUC/SfcOA Fcst -
These forecast images show the
(Rapid Refresh) forecast for up to 6 hours from now. We process the data using the same routines used by the SFCOA system, resulting in a consistent set of images.
The background reflectivity forecasts are from the latest
Currently, forecast images are only available for a selected subset of mesoanalysis data. The images are updated every 3 hours.
Image overlays:
County Boundaries
County Warning Areas
Hiways & Cities
ARTCC Regions
NWS Watches & Warns
SPC Day1 Outlook
Image underlays:
Surface Obs
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Please contact
John Hart, Corey Mead, and Rich Thompson
if you have questions or comments regarding this page.
The fields shown on these pages are produced by SPC's SFCOA analysis system, primarily created and maintained by
Phillip Bothwell