250205's Storm Reports (20250205 1200 UTC - 20250206 1159 UTC)
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Tornado Reports (CSV) (Raw Tornado CSV)(?)
No reports received
Hail Reports (CSV) (Raw Hail CSV)(?)
Time Size LocationCountyStateLatLonComments
0552175 Burgin Mercer KY3775 8477 Multiple reports of ping pong to golfball size hail. Relayed by broadcast media. (LMK)
0557100 4 WNW Rose Hill Mercer KY3777 8498 Quarter size hail reported near Cornishville. (LMK)
Wind Reports (CSV) (Raw Wind CSV)(?)
Time Speed LocationCountyStateLatLonComments
0920UNK Fosterville Boone WV3809 8160 Report of several large trees 6-12 inches in diameter and power lines down along Coal River Rd. (RLX)
1054UNK 2 WSW Welchs Creek Butler KY3733 8660 Trees down on Needmore Road. (LMK)
1056UNK 2 E Hammonville Hart KY3741 8576 ​Barn damage and power line damage blown into roadway near intersection of Levi Beams Road and N Jackson Highway near Magnolia. (LMK)
1152UNK 3 SSW Jacktown Casey KY3741 8503 Carport pole barn rolled over at residence on Button Knob Road. (LMK)
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Fields marked UNK are unknown
All Times UTC
Wind Gusts in MPH
Hail Sizes in 1/100 of an Inch (175 = 1.75\")
LAT/LON in decimal degrees to two decimals, see SPC FAQ for more info
List of Weather Forecast Office 3-letter IDs appear in the report comments section
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